related by blood

美 [rɪˈleɪtɪd baɪ blʌd]英 [rɪˈleɪtɪd baɪ blʌd]
  • 有血缘关系的
related by bloodrelated by blood
  1. And having researched into them , they always ended up choosing the child who 's related by blood instead of the children they nurtured .


  2. A person related by blood or marriage .


  3. Ooh , could they be related by blood and didn 't know it ?


  4. One related by blood or origin ; especially on sharing an ancestor with another .


  5. No doubt , the members of an extended family are related by blood or by marriage .


  6. Providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties .


  7. And evetually the Chinese people chose Marxism , for which is related by blood with the Chinese traditional culture .


  8. To escape registration the office can only manage money for those related by blood , marriage or legal ties .


  9. None of the individuals captured by photographer Francois Brunelle are related by blood , their faces just have strikingly similar characteristics .


  10. Macao compatriots have a glorious spirit of patriotism , and they have always been related by blood and mutual affinity with the rest of the country .


  11. Since Sirius makes a distinction with Molly being a cousin by marriage , we can assume that Arthur is more likely to be related by blood .


  12. Parent-child relationship is the individual contact with the earliest and most enduring relationship ; it is the relationships formed by the interaction between parents and children related by blood or common life based on the process of red .


  13. The members of an extended family are related by blood ( grandparent , parents , children , brothers , sisters , etc. ) or by marriage ( husbands , wives , mothers-in-law , etc ) .


  14. The Roots program is about connecting to your family , and the trip has shown me that family is not necessarily defined as someone you are related to by blood .


  15. Modern Chinese Literature and China propagate media there is relation related by flesh and blood modern times .


  16. This man better be related to you by blood because this is fucking nuts .


  17. If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship , are you related to your by blood or adoption ?


  18. No matter the source of the philosophy thought , than aesthetic principle they follow the natural planting form and Chinese ink painting is related by flesh and blood .


  19. For every one of all the children of the Yellow Emperor , the dragon shape is a symbol , a be related by flesh and blood of emotion .


  20. Related as a result of one parent 's remarrying , not by blood a person related by blood or marriage .
